Transfer Files Between CHTC and ResearchDrive

UW Madison provides a shared data storage for research called ResearchDrive. It is possible to transfer files directly between ResearchDrive and CHTC’s systems. The instructions in this guide may also work for accessing other data services on campus from CHTC; contact us if you would like to know more.

A. Pre-Requisites

In order to follow the steps in this guide, you need access to a ResearchDrive share, either as PI or member of your PI’s group, as well as a CHTC account. In what follows, we assume that you are transferring files to and from our HTC system, but you can use the same process to transfer files to and from the HPC cluster if you first log in to one of the HPC login nodes.

B. Transferring Files

To transfer data between ResearchDrive and CHTC, do the following:

  1. Log in:
    1. If you are transferring files to or from a /staging directory, log in to
    2. If you are transferring files and or from your /home directory, log into your usual submit server (typically or
  2. Choose a folder: Navigate to the folder in CHTC (/staging or /home), where you would like to transfer files.
  3. Connect to ResearchDrive: Run the following command to connect to ResearchDrive, filling in the username of your PI:
     [alice@server]$ smbclient -k //

    Your prompt should change to look like this:

     smb: \> 

    Note about NetIDs

    If your CHTC account is not tied to your campus NetID or you are accessing a data storage service that doesn’t use your NetID, you’ll need to omit the -k flag above

  4. Choose a folder, part 2: If you type ls now, you’ll see the files in ResearchDrive, not CHTC. Navigate through ResearchDrive (using cd) until you are at the folder where you would like to get or put files.
  5. Move files: To move files, you will use the get and put commands:
    • To move files from CHTC to ResearchDrive, run:
        smb: \> put filename
    • To move files from ResearchDrive to CHTC, run:
        smb: \> get filename
  6. Finish: Once you are done moving files, you can type exit to leave the connection to ResearchDrive.

Transferring a Batch of Files

The steps described above work well for transferring a single file, or tar archive of many files, at a time and is best for transferring a few files in a session. However, smbclient also provides options for transferring many individual files in a single command using the * wildcard character.

To transfer multiple files at once, first you must turn off the smbclient file transfer prompt, then use either mget or mput for your file transfer. For example, if you have multiple fastq.gz files to transfer to CHTC:

  1. Log in:
    1. If you are transferring files to or from a /staging directory, log in to
    2. If you are transferring files to or from your /home directory, log into your usual submit server (typically or
  2. Choose a folder: Navigate to the folder in CHTC (/staging or /home), where you would like to put the files.
  3. Connect to ResearchDrive: Run the following command to connect to ResearchDrive, filling in the username of your PI:
     [alice@server]$ smbclient -k //
  4. Navigate to appropriate ResearchDrive directory
     smb: \> cd path/to/files
  5. Turn of Prompting
     smb: \> prompt
  6. Use mget instead of get This command downloads a group of files that end with “fastq.gz” to CHTC.
     smb: \> mget *.fastq.gz

As another example, use smbclient to transfer multiple tar.gz output files to ResearchDrive from CHTC after your jobs complete:

  1. Log in:
    1. If you are transferring files to or from a /staging directory, log in to
    2. If you are transferring files to or from your /home directory, log into your usual submit server (typically or
  2. Choose a folder: Navigate to the folder in CHTC (/staging or /home) where your output files are located.
  3. Connect to ResearchDrive: Run the following command to connect to ResearchDrive, filling in the username of your PI:
     [alice@server]$ smbclient -k //
  4. Navigate to appropriate ResearchDrive directory
     smb: \> cd path/to/directory
  5. Turn off Prompting
     smb: \> prompt
  6. Use mput instead of put
     smb: \> mput *.tar.gz
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