Get Help

There are multiple ways to get help from CHTC staff. See below:

Research Computing Facilitators

Christina Koch's Headshot
Christina Koch
Research Facilitator Manager
Rachel Lombardi's Headshot
Rachel Lombardi
Research Computing Facilitator
Andrew Owen's Headshot
Andrew Owen
Research Computing Facilitator

To help researchers effectively utilize computing resources, our Research Computing Facilitators (RCFs) not only assist your in implementing your computational work on CHTC compute resources resources, but can also point you to other on- and off-campus services related to research computing and data needs. For example, RCFs can:

  • Assist with planning your computational approach for a research problem
  • Teach you to submit jobs to CHTC compute systems
  • Help you with troubleshooting on CHTC compute systems
  • Connect you with other researchers using similar software or methods
  • Point to learning materials for programming and software development
  • Help you identify applicable non-CHTC data storage options provided by DoIT
  • Find the person who knows the answer to your question, even if the RCF doesn’t
  • … and other helpful activities to facilitate your use of cyberinfrastructure

Get An Account

If you don’t have an account yet, please fill out our Request Form, and we’ll follow up quickly to set up a meeting time and create accounts. If you don’t have an account but just have general questions, feel free to send an email to (see below).

Request a Quota Change

If you’d like to request a change in your quotas for one of our data storage locations, please see our Request a Quota Change guide.

Help Via Email

We provide support via email at the address, and it’s never a bad idea to start by sending questions or issues via email. You can typically expect a first response within a few business hours.

When emailing us for assistance in troubleshooting an issue, please provide which system you are using, an explanation of what you expected to happen versus what actually happened, and
include relevant files (or provide the locations of them on the system), such as:

  • The job submit file (.sub)
  • The job executable (.sh) or list of commands used in an interactive job
  • Standard error and standard output files (usually .out or .err)
  • If on the HTC system, the HTCondor log file (.log)

We will use this information to give you more effective responses and solutions.

Office Hours

For users who already have accounts, we have drop-in office hours, online, during the following times:

  • Tuesday morning: 10:30 am - 12:00 pm. CANCELED OVER THE SUMMER (May 28 through August 27)
  • Thursday afternoon: 3:00 - 4:30 pm.

To drop in, find the videoconference link in either your email or in the login message when you log into a CHTC server.

As always, if the times above don’t work for you, please email us at our usual support address to schedule a separate meeting.

Click to sign-in for office hours

Make an Appointment

We are happy to arrange meetings outside of designated Office Hours, per your preference. Simply email us at the address above, and we will set up a time to meet!