HTC Modules Transition to EL9

This announcement concerns users of the HTC system who rely on modules for their software needs.

As part of our operating system transition, we are deprecating modules that are compiled for EL7 and EL8 operating systems on Monday November 18. See the below table for affected modules and their corresponding solutions.

Affected modules

Module name Old version (EL7/EL8) Solution
abaqus 6.14.4, 2018-hotfix-1904 Use abaqus/2024 module
ansys 2019r2, 2021r1, 17.2 Use ansys/2024r1 module
cmake 3.16.5 Use containers
comsol 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 6.0, 6.1, 6.2 Installation in progress
gcc 8.3.0 Use containers
gurobi 9.5.1 Use containers (recipe)
lumerical 2019b-R6, 2021-r2.4 Installation in progress
openmpi 3.1.4-GCC-8.3.0 Use containers

Unaffected modules

Module name Version
abaqus 2024
ansys 2024r1
comsol 6.0-physics
cst ece-2022
wims wims_11b_ru0, wimsbuilder3b_ru0

More information and next steps

Users can also view the list of modules using the module avail command.

Modules to be deprecated are listed under /software/chtc/modules.

Unaffected modules are listed under /software/chtc/manual/el9/modules.

[user@ap2002 ~]$ module avail
-------------------------------------- /software/chtc/modules ---------------------------------------
ABAQUS/6.14.4            ANSYS/2021r1  COMSOL/5.6  GCC/8.3.0            OpenMPI/3.1.4-GCC-8.3.0
ABAQUS/2018-hotfix-1904  CMake/3.16.5  COMSOL/6.0  GUROBI/9.5.1
ANSYS/17.2               COMSOL/5.4    COMSOL/6.1  Lumerical/2019b-R6
ANSYS/2019r2             COMSOL/5.5    COMSOL/6.2  Lumerical/2021-r2.4

--------------------------------- /software/chtc/manual/el9/modules ---------------------------------
abaqus/2024   comsol/6.0-physics  wims/wims_11b_ru0
ansys/2024r1  cst/ece-2022        wims/wimsbuilder3b_ru0

If your computations rely on an affected module, please switch to an unaffected module or container solution, or contact us ( for assistance in planning your software transition.