Logins have changed for users with accounts on submit1 and submit2: please see the login guide for details on your new login information.

Compiling or Testing Code with an Interactive Job

To best understand the below information, users should already have an understanding of:


This guide provides a generic overview of steps required to install scientific software for use in CHTC. If you are using Python, R, or Matlab, see our specific installation and use guides here: Guides for Matlab, Python and R.

It is helpful to understand a little bit about normal “batch” HTCondor jobs before submitting interactive jobs. Just like batch jobs, interactive jobs can transfer input files (usually copies of source code or the software you want to install) and will transfer new/updated files in the main working directory back to the submit node when the job completes.

One exception to the file transfers working as usual is when running an interactive job that uses a Docker container. If any output files are generated inside an interactive Docker job, they will not be copied back to the submit node when you exist the interactive job. Contact the facilitation team for workarounds to this behavior.

1. Building a Software Installation

You are going to start an interactive job that runs on the HTC build servers. You will then install your packages to a folder and zip those files to return to the submit server.

A. Submit an Interactive Job

First, download the source code for your software to the submit server. Then create the following special submit file on the submit server, calling it something like build.sub.

Note that you’ll want to use +IsBuildJob = true to specifically match to CHTC’s servers designated for compiling code (which include Matlab compilers and other compiling tools you may need). Compiling servers do not include specialized resources like GPUs, extreme amounts of RAM/disk, etc.; to build/test software in these cases, submit an interactive job without +IsBuildJob.

# Software build file

universe = vanilla
log = interactive.log

# In the latest version of HTCondor on CHTC, interactive jobs require an executable.
# If you do not have an existing executable, use a generic linux command like hostname as shown below.
executable = /usr/bin/hostname

# change the name of the file to be the name of your source code
transfer_input_files = source_code.tar.gz

+IsBuildJob = true
# requirements = (OpSysMajorVer =?= 8)
request_cpus = 1
request_memory = 4GB
request_disk = 2GB


The only thing you should need to change in the above file is the name of the source code tar.gz file - in the "transfer_input_files" line.

Once this submit file is created, you will start the interactive job by running the following command:

[alice@submit]$ condor_submit -i build.sub

The interactive build job should start in about a minute. Once it has started, the job has a time limit of four hours - if you need more time to compile a particular code, talk to CHTC's Research Computing Facilitators.

B. Install the Software

Software installation typically goes through a set of standard steps -- configuration, then compilation (turning the source code into binary code that the computer can understand), and finally "installation", which means placing the compiled code into a specific location. In most install instructions, these steps look something like:

make install

There are two changes we make to this standard process. Because you are not an administrator, you will want to create a folder for the installation in the build job's working directory and use an option in the configuration step that will install the software to this folder.

In what follows, note that anything in italics is a name that you can (and should!) choose to be more descriptive. We use general names as an example; see the LAMMPS case study lower down to see what you might fill in for your own program.

  1. In the interactive job, create a new directory to hold your final software installation:

    [alice@build]$ mkdir program
  2. You'll also want to un-tar the source code that you brought along, and cd into the source code folder.

    [alice@build]$ tar -xzf source_code.tar.gz
    [alice@build]$ cd source_code/
  3. Our next step will be to configure the installation. This involves changing into the un-tarred source code directory, and running a configuration script. It's at this step that we change the final installation location of the software from its default, to be the directory we created in the previous step. In a typical configure script, this option is called the "prefix" and is given by the --prefix flag.

    [alice@build]$ ./configure --prefix=$_CONDOR_SCRATCH_DIR/program

    Note that there are sometimes different options used. Some program use a helper program called cmake as their configuration script. Often the installation instructions for a program will indicate what to use as a prefix option, or, you can often run the configure command with the --help flag, which will have all the options which can be added to the configure command.

  4. After the configuration step, you'll run the steps to compile and install your program. This is usually these two commands:

    [alice@build]$ make
    [alice@build]$ make install
  5. After this step, you can cd back up to the main working directory.

    [alice@build]$ cd ..
  6. Right now, if we exit the interactive job, nothing will be transferred back because we haven't created any new files in the working directory, just the new sub-folder with our software installation. In order to transfer back our installation, we will need to compress it into a tarball file - not only will HTCondor then transfer back the file, it is generally easier to transfer a single, compressed tarball file than an uncompressed set of directories.

    Run the following command to create your own tarball of your packages:

    [alice@build]$ tar -czf program.tar.gz program/

We now have our packages bundled and ready for CHTC! You can now exit the interactive job and the tar.gz file with your software installation will return to the submit server with you (this sometimes takes a few extra seconds after exiting).

[alice@build]$ exit 

2. Case Study, Installing LAMMPS

First download a copy of LAMMPS and copy it to the submit server -- in this example, we've used the "stable" version under "Download a tarball": LAMMPS download page

Then, make a copy of the submit file above on the submit server, changing the name of the file to be transferred to lammps-stable.tar.gz. Submit the interactive job as described.

While waiting for the interactive build job to start, take a look at the installation instructions for LAMMPS:

You'll see that the install instructions have basically the same steps as listed above, with two changes:

  1. Instead of the "configure" step, LAMMPS is using the "cmake" command. This means that we'll need to find the equivalent to the --prefix option for cmake. Reading further down in the documentation, you can see that there's this option:


    This is exactly what we need to set the installation prefix.

  2. There's extra steps before the configure step -- that's fine, we'll just add them to our list of commands to run.

With all these pieces together, this is what the commands will look like to install LAMMPS in the interactive build job and then bring the installed copy back to the submit server.

Create the folder for the installation:

[alice@build]$ mkdir lammps

Unzip and cd into a build directory:

[alice@build]$ tar -xf lammps-stable.tar.gz
[alice@build]$ cd lammps-stable
[alice@build]$ mkdir build; cd build 

Run the installation commands:

[alice@build]$ cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$_CONDOR_SCRATCH_DIR/lammps ../cmake 
[alice@build]$ make
[alice@build]$ make install 

Move back into the main job directory and create a tar.gz file of the installation folder.

[alice@build]$ cd ../..
[alice@build]$ tar -czf lammps.tar.gz lammps
[alice@build]$ exit