Past Event | February 11

Workshop: Building and Using Containers for Large-scale Computing

Learn about building and using your software environment with containers!

Learn about building and using your software environment with containers! In this workshop, we’ll introduce basic container concepts, guidelines for building and storing container images, and using them in job submission. In the last half of the training, CHTC facilitators will assist as users build their own Docker or Apptainer container images (in-person only). A CHTC account is required.

Register Here

Researcher’s Link is located in a restricted area of the Discovery Building. For in-person attendees, please meet us at the elevators by the staircase, so we can guide you to the event room.


  • CHTC users who need to install software on our High Throughput or High Performance Computing system


Tuesday, February 11, 10:30am - 12:00pm


In-Person / Zoom

Discovery Building Researcher’s Link


Register Here


Please email with any questions.